Her er mine to små kommoder fra da jeg var lita jente på 50-tallet. Disse var det lekt mye med.Her oppbevarte jeg alle dukkeklærne mine,og det sier vel ikke så rent lite om forholdet mellom da og nå når det gjelder mengden av leker. Har mistet et par knotter på den ene, men det hører vel med til kommodens historie, så jeg vil ikke sette på nye.
I used to play a lot with these when I was a little girl in the fifthies. I kept all my dolls clothes in these draws,and that I think,says quite a lot about how it was then compared with now when it comes to the quantity of toys.
2 kommentarer:
Thanks for visiting my blog & your kind comments.
If you don't want to blog in English & why should you feel you must, I believe there is a translation thing called Babelfish, you could look it up & maybe add it to your blog for visitors to use.
Best wishes
Skjønne! :)
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